Jaeyeon Kim

Jaeyeon Kim

Ph.D. Student

Harvard University


Hi, my name is Jaeyeon Kim! I’m currently an undergraduate in SNU. Starting this September, I’m joining Harvard CS as a Ph.D. student. My research interest spans optimization and machine learning. Feel free to reach me! I’d love to discuss and potentially collaborate on machine learning theory.

  • Machine Learning Theory
  • Optimization Theory
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2024

    Harvard University

  • B.S. in Mathematics, 2020

    Seoul National University

Recent News

  2024.09   I’ll start my Ph.D. at Harvard University, prospectively advised by Prof. Sitan Chen. I’m really thrilled to pursue my research career at Harvard University!

  2024.04   Excited to announce my new paper, Optimal Acceleration for Minimax and Fixed-Point Problems is Not Unique (ICML 2024). By proposing novel algorithms, we suggested that the optimal acceleration mechanism in minimax optimization and fixed-point problems is not unique. Surprisingly, our new algorithms are H-dual to the prior anchor-based accelerated methods: We discover H-duality in another setups!

  2023.12   I attended NeurIPS 2023 and gave a poster presentation.


Research Intern at MIT
Under Professor Asuman Ozdaglar
July 2023 – August 2023
Research on Optimization Theory
Research Intern at Seoul National University
Under Professor Ernest Ryu
September 2022 – February 2024
Research on Optimization Theory